WordPress Security at the Melbourne WordPress Meetup

WordPress Security was the topic of focus at the local Melbourne WordPress User Meetup.

Amelia Briscoe covered .htaccess and Tristan Penman covered an Introduction to SSL (I’ll add their slides here when they’re published).

My talk was on WordPress Security Basics, here’s the slide deck for anyone interested:

If you’re just after the resources, below is a quick summary.

Google Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools)

Not only is Google Search Console useful for SEO, it’s a complete health dashboard for your websites. In addition to outages, spam and crawling errors, if Google detects your site has been compromised you’ll get an alert – so it’s another reason why you should be using it.


Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report

Each year, Verizon releases a report called the Data Breach Investigation Report that can be a real eye opener and help build a business case for resources and for improving general security awareness. An executive summary is also available.


WordPress Security Documentation

The official WordPress documentation servers as a great starting point if you want to learn more about basic security, as well as how it applies specifically to WordPress.
