Example Link Request Email

A few people have requested this after a recent talk I presented on SEO for the Macromedia Users of Victoria.

Below is an example of an email requesting an inbound link. Keep in mind that this method isn’t as successful as picking up the phone and calling webmasters directly, however some people might still find it useful.

Subject: XYZ Wholesale Widgets Web Site

For the last month or so I have been working on the new “SomeCompany” web site and would like to let you know we have a logo and link to www.somecompany.com in a prime position on our site.

Your site is useful and a good fit for our visitors, we hope you get some traffic from it. We’re always happy to support businesses that complement ours, if you can add a link to our site the next time you update your site, we’d greatly appreciate it.

I have included the following HTML snippet for your convenience.

XYZ Widgets

You can check out our site at: http://www.xyzwidgets.com

Your Name
XYZ Wholesale Widgets