Creating Live Bookmarks For Your Site

Add Live Bookmarks To Your Site!

This article describes what you need to know if you’d like to enable Live Bookmarks on your site. If you’re not sure what Live Bookmarks are, they’re one of the latest features built into the Firefox web browser (check out my previous article “What are Live Bookmarks?” for more information) that allows you to add RSS feeds to your bookmarks. There are a few other cool features of Live Bookmarks such as bookmark sharing.
Viewing Live Bookmarks using Firefox

Viewing Live Bookmarks using Firefox

Note: The unread items are the entries that don’t display an icon (if one is available for that particular site).

When I first started playing around with Live Bookmarks I wanted to test this out on my own sites. To be able to offer Live Bookmarks from your site, you must have an XML feed to offer. If your content rarely changes a syndication format might not be appropriate for your situation. If you do have a feed, you’ll need to know where it’s located. I’ve tested Live Bookmarks with RSS so that’s what I’ll be using in this example.

Add the following XHTML to the section of your site, making sure you edit the appropriate values.

A brief description follows:

* link rel=”alternate” | Allows alternate feeds form the one site
* type=”application/rss+xml” | The format could be rss+xml, atom+xml etc
* title=”Melbourne PHP User Group” | The title seen when clicked on
* href=”rss/feed/url” | The path to your feed

Using “alternate”, you can specify multiple feeds from the one site.

Fire up Firefox and test it out!